Form Uploads Manager

Stop manually uploading files to Google Drive™, organizing, renaming and adding individual tags / descriptions! Configure Google Form™ add-on once to upload files and images, then each new item will be

- uploaded to the correct Google My Drive™ or Google Shared Drive™ folder;

- appropriately renamed;

- an individual description will be added, with tags for quick search;

- items can be shared with the uploader or others from the defined list;

- a list of all uploaded items with an URL for quick access can be sent by email.

Upload folder/subfolders, item name and description may contain placeholders defined in form fields.

Forms containing 50+ questions and/or 20+ uploads may take more than 1 hour to process uploaded files due to Google quotas for Google Workspace add-ons.

Try our Form Uploads add-on for Google Forms™ today! See our Privacy Policy.


Placeholders list

Your form fields are on the top of the list.

For example, if your form contains a Subfolder field, then the value entered by the user or selected from the list will be substituted for the ${Subfolder} parameter.

Service placeholders:

${YEAR} 2021

${MONTH} 12

${DATE} 31

${FULLDATE} 2021-12-31

${DAY} 5 (i.e. Friday)

${TIME} 23:59:59

${TIMESTAMP} 2021-12-31T23:59:59

Form placeholders:

${RESPONDENT} respondent’s email (if available)

${FORM.TITLE} your form title

${FORM.ID} your form ID

${OWNER} your form owner’s email

${EFFECTIVE_USER} effective user’s email 

Placeholder related to single upload:

${UPLOAD.NAME} uploaded filename

${UPLOAD.EXTENSION} uploaded filename extension

${UPLOAD.FILENAMEONLY} uploaded filename with removed responder name

${UPLOAD.FILENAMEONLYNOEXT} uploaded filename with no responder and extension

${UPLOAD.DESCRIPTION} uploaded description (if available or defined)

${UPLOAD.ID} uploaded file ID on Google Drive

${UPLOAD.URL} uploaded file URL

Uploads list placeholder:

${UPLOADS} uploads list in predefined format

${UPLOADS.LEN} the number of uploaded items.


To check your subscription status

To purchase subscriptions

Processing a purchase request by payment provider and issuing a subscription may take some time.

Trial and 1 form subscriptions are assigned to 1 form only. Unassign it under subscription management to reuse in another form.

Click Edit subscriptions button (right one) to open Subscriptions Manager window.

Click Unassign the subscription button (with cross sign).

Then start using your new Google Form. The subscription will be assigned automatically.

After this change, the add-on will no longer be available in the previously used document. To use the add-on in several documents at the same time, you can purchase a subscription for an unlimited number of documents.